With TORC already over with here's a couple of photos from one of the early days of TORC. Before it became more mainstream. I think these photos were around 01 maybe 02. The event was still at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, but at the parking lot. Back then there weren't that many cars that showed up. Amazing how much it has changed since then. Though we don't see much Toyota oddties like these:

Early, maybe '68, Toyota Corona speedster. It was for sale when I saw it at the event. I wonder if it's still running?

Toyota Fire truck?? Yes they even had those. But this wasn't an american market vehicle. It was actually brought over from a small town in Japan. I wish I could remember the whole story of the vehicle but after almost 10 years and of tires and gas fumes. Even my memory gets all fuzzy.
There was a few interesting bits I saw that day, but I could only find a few photos from that day.