Word has it that there is a possibility that famed AE86 driver Toshiki Yoshioka may drive in a Formula D event, piloting his ridiculously sick AE86. Probably not the 1st red one pictured above. More than likely it'll be a B car (2nd car pictured) that's been retired from competition and used in USA events. But for a B car it still has a fully built 20v with a healthy shot of NOS. Mmmm delicious I tell you. I'm not 100% sure if this is true, but i've personally seen him in action and he walked all over last year's Formula D champion at a demo event in Irwindale. And in Las Vegas 2006 he left some burn marks on a Falken Mustang. If he does come, alot of drivers will definitely be working a lot harder for that check. Gosh I love Corolla.
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